The Unacceptable Risks, comprised of
students from UNC, NC State, NC Central and Durham Tech, convened on Sunday
night via Google Hangouts to discuss research findings and decide what payload
we want to submit for consideration to be included on NASA’s 2017 High Altitude
Student Platform (HASP).
We reached a consensus to continue
pursuing an atmospheric study, with sulfur dioxide (SO2) being the focal point
of the research. We will be examining the results of a variety of SO2
collection methods, including using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), an Arduino sensor
and two Ogawa samplers.
Additionally, data on temperature,
pressure, humidity and ozone (O3) would also be collected during our flight. Our
submission will be called the Greenhouse, Ozone and Trace gas project, or, not
so humbly, GOAT for short.
Upon the conclusion of the meeting,
team members were given additional research assignments to complete before
going on holiday. We intend to meet again on the Sunday following Thanksgiving
for further discussions and to relay any new and pertinent information that may
have been researched over the week.
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