Sunday, February 24, 2019

Shutdowns and Restarts


It's been too long.

But we've been so busy!


We applied for HASP in December but the government shut down stalled out the application review process and it seemed as if the project was in jeopardy. But then, finally, we heard that we had been provisionally accepted for a large payload seat on HASP again! This was very exciting but we were not ready to celebrate because we had a daunting revision docket to conquer. It seems that we had not made a convincing case for RAM3.1 which is an intermediary hardware flight. We believe it is a critical component the larger scope of our robotic arm project and are hoping to be able to fly in order to test cameras for Lil Vince. We only had two weeks to complete our revisions and we submitted them on Friday. We're going to get to work while we wait.

The HAB team had their CDR during this time. The day of our presentation we went to the room I'd reserved only to discover it didn't have a phone. Then the second room didn't have a speaker phone. Long story short we ended up in my cramped office. The heat was on the fritz so it was very warm! The team did a great job and passed the CDR.

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